Ask a professional Matchmaker

February 15, 2012

We sat down with Kimberly, founder of Palm and Associates, a modern day matchmaking agency in Newport Beach. Her premier matchmaking agency is 100% off-line and dedicated to helping members find love. She gives us insights on what a professional matchmaker can offer busy singles in OC.

1. What are the benefits to using your matchmaking agency over on-line dating?

A. Saving our members time while protecting their privacy and most importantly results. We introduce people for lasting relationships not casual encounters.

2. Is matchmaking the new trend in dating?

A. Yes, matchmaking is a good fit for serious singles that desire a committed relationship or marriage.

3. Are matchmaker’s for people who can’t get dates?

A. No. Matchmaker’s are for people that are selective, busy with their careers and don’t want to waste their time with people that don’t share the same interests, values and relationship goals.

4. How are you different from other agencies?

A. Our agency sticks 100% to our member’s desired criteria like age, religion, height, whether they have kids or not and other important issues. We do the screening for you so you can relax and have a great time getting to know each other.

5. Do members get to see an in-depth profile or bio of their match?

A. No, we do not share our member’s profiles. Our proven methodology is an upscale, private approach that ensures confidentiality for everyone.

6. How does communication between the member and matchmaker take place, i.e. phone, email?

A. After we have met face to face with a member we communicate by phone. Our agency is open Monday–Friday and Saturdays by appointment only. Our members frequently stop by to chat with us in person also.

7. Do you meet everyone in person including potential matches? 

A. Yes, I have personally met everyone and they all go through the same process of filling out our questionnaire and interviewing with me.

8. When is the best time for a first date?

A. I believe the first date should be over dinner. Coffee dates are for friends, lunch dates are for business. Dinner is the best time because it’s at the end of the day and no ones in a hurry. Daters can turn off their cell phone, relax and enjoy getting to know each other.

9. What advice do you have for a first date?

A. Loose lips sink ships. Don’t reveal too much personal information on your ex’s, pet peeves and politics. Also, don’t complain about anything on a first date. No one likes a Debbie downer. And listen twice as much as you talk.

10. What makes OC Singles unique?

A. There are approximately 1.6 million singles in Orange County. OC singles are extremely busy, highly productive and selective about the people they date. And, with such a large county it’s difficult to meet people outside of your daily routine.

11. I’ve heard complaints about dating services. How can a person know if an agency is reputable?

A. Well, other than searching the internet with the agencies name along with the word “complaints,” I recommend visiting the BBB and consumer affairs website. Be sure to do your due diligence. Our agency maintains an “A” rating with the BBB.

Kimberly is the founder of Palm and Associates, a modern day matchmaking agency in Newport Beach. Her premier matchmaking agency is 100% off-line and dedicated to helping members find love. Kimberly’s agency caters to selective, serious singles that desire quality introductions for lasting relationships with privacy guaranteed. As Orange County’s matchmaking expert, Kimberly has a passion for guiding singles from their 20’s to their 70’s to achieve love and happiness. She can be contacted at 949.706.5596.

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Blogger | Journalist

Since 1993, Greer has been writing about fashion, dining and trends in Orange County, as a popular columnist for the Los Angeles Time Community Newspapers (Daily Pilot, Coastline Pilot and HB Independent) and now as founder of Greer’s OC.

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