SoCal’s First Urban Regenerative Organic Farm in OC
Ever dreamed of having your own organic farm at home that could provide you, your family, friends, and neighbors the freshest and most healthy produce you can find? Thanks to Alegria Fresh’s urban regenerative organic SoxxBoxx Gro system you can easily grow your own healing foods including leafy greens, medicinal herbs, and vegetables anywhere.
The system’s advantages include above ground growing that keeps crops away from rodents and makes harvesting easier. It also combines aeroponic, hydroponic and organic systems. You’ll use 95% less water, 50% less fertilizer, and zero toxic pesticides. It’s a portable system that can be removed easily and can be scaled up to any size.
If you’d like to see Alegria Fresh’s innovative Soxx Boxx Gro system in action and learn more about this organic urban farm you can visit the Farm + Food Lab at Orange County Great Park in Irvine.
Thanks to a grant from Bank of America Orange County the urban farm project demonstrates how regenerative organic farming can be used anywhere such as urban deserts to make healthy and healing produce more accessible and provide economic opportunities.
Managed by Solutions for Urban Agriculture, the goal of the Farm + Food Lab is to raise awareness that improved human health can be attained by consuming healthier foods produced in living organic soil – free of all pesticides and toxic chemicals.
Food grown using regenerative organic principles improves produce quality which strengthens and heals our immune system, as well as increasing environmental health.
Alegría’s regenerative organic micro-farm team will also offer workshops to teach residents and community leaders how the SoxxBoxx Gro system produces living wage jobs and strengthens community resiliency by creating access to superior organic produce in any setting such as vacant lots.
Alegría’s primary mission is to provide a solution to the tremendous social need to increase the health and wellness of marginalized communities, especially those located within food deserts.
Farm + Food Lab at Orange County Great Park is at 14280 Cadence in Irvine.