OC Suitcase Soirée and Giveaway

September 16, 2013

OC resident and Minnesota Twins Hall of Famer Eddie Guardado, along with his wife Lisa Guardado, will host the OC Suitcase Soirée to benefit children with autism on Friday at the Lyon Air Museum in Santa Ana.

The OC Suitcase Soirée invites guests to arrive, bags packed, in anticipation of winning one of the three grand prize travel packages, which departs directly from the Lyon Air Museum on Friday by private plane or limousine for a weekend getaway in Las Vegas, Santa Barbara or Los Angeles. Guests at the fundraising event will be entertained by live music, participate in silent and live auctions, and dine on an array of cuisine from top Orange County restaurants, while enjoying wine tasting and specialty drinks provided by Young's Market.
Tickets cost $250 and 100% of event net proceeds will benefit the Eddie Guardado Foundation, which supports the direct service program of ACT Today! (Autism Care and Treatment Today!) We are giving away two tickets to the event, and will announce the winner Thursday.  Simply “like” ACT's  Facebook page as well as the Foundation page and leave a comment.

Lyon Air Museum is at 19300 Ike Jones Drive in Santa Ana. 714.442.3535

Greer's OC
Blogger | Journalist

Since 1993, Greer has been writing about fashion, dining and trends in Orange County, as a popular columnist for the Los Angeles Time Community Newspapers (Daily Pilot, Coastline Pilot and HB Independent) and now as founder of Greer’s OC.

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