Marcy Massura
Vice President, MSLGROUP
1. You career path is incredible. Can you give us a brief tour of your life since you were a teen?
Since I was a teen? Wow. Well I was the cheerleader in the honors/G.A.T.E. classes. I have always been a walking contradiction, and doing my best to break stereo types since I was a kid. I was the girl that boycotted the frog dissection in Honors Biology and took the case to the district. And won. I began designing tee shirts as a freelancer when I was 15 years old. I worked with brands such as Stussy and Disney before I was able to drive. My father was in the 'rag trade' and because of that I fell into the apparel business and fashion design as well. Where built a very successful career and I stayed until 1998....when I walked away to get married and have children. Then around 2005 I started writing online, and in true type-a life policy I ended up giving that 110% which resulted in being hired by one of the worlds largest PR agencies. I've changed agencies, but I still have my online presence which I value more and more every year.
2. What does a typical day look like for you?
There is no typical in my life. I work from home, but travel to New York 2 times a month, and go someplace else nearly every week. San Francisco and Cincinnati this week. And London next week. But when I am home. I hit my screens at 6am and start calls at 7am. I work straight thru with conference calls, webinar presentations and more until at least 6pm. In the middle of that my personal assistant picks up the kids and brings them home. Which is when I take a break to eat, get more diet coke and listen to their day. To which is usually met with eyerolls and the standard 'nothing cool happened' (they are teenagers). They start their homework, and I go back to my work. And yes, I said personal assistant. I believe in outsourcing the things that can be outsourced. My kids don't know who folded the towel or got the oil changed in the car. They know who helps them with homework though- and that is something I make sure happens. Even on the road, we will Skype during homework whenever possible. Once the husband comes home we think about dinner. I might make it (not often) or go out. Most days he gets take out so we can just focus on hanging out together. I go to bed early (9pm) after watching something on TV. Generally a documentary.
3. Favorite drink?
Grey Goose, splash of cranberry. But when I want to stay sober? MILK. I love ice cold non-fat milk since I was a kid. It is pour-able comfort food.
4. What’s your most prized possession?
This is incredibly hard to answer. But in my kitchen hangs a framed yellow piece of paper, that has a typed recipe for my grandfathers ragu sauce. On it is a post-it note from my grandmother that says 'I think we should keep this in the family'. It is sweet. But it is really awesome because after her death I found out copies of this was sent to SEVERAL members in my family. My grandma was a hilarious strong woman. Who played the odds of one of us keeping the recipe I come from an amazingly good family, with great sense of humor and smarts.
5. Fantasy purchase?
Bentley. But I don't call it a fantasy. I call it a long range goal.
6. What can’t you live without?
Well my kids. Husband etc....but beyond that? INTERNET. I often feel like I began truly living when I started my life online. Which is incredibly ironic I know.
7. What’s next on your “to do” list?
A book. I am looking for a writing partner and will be writing about 'the unconventional hire' and my career reinvention. People are endlessly fascinated about it-well that and how the hell I manage my career and family.
8. Biggest regret?
My only regret in life is not doing more. While I am a multitasker, and would rather be busy than bored....I look back on parts of my life when I think I COULD HAVE DONE MORE. Life is awesome, and I am trying as hard as I can to squeeze every last drop out of it.
9. Cause that you’re most interested/involved in?
I am interested in the programs that support the foster care system since my dad was adopted from a Los Angeles orphanage in 1948. It was a disfunctional system back then, and still is. I help support programs for 're-entry' once teens age out and have no where to go.
10. Your dream day in Orange County?
Walking the streets of downtown Orange followed by lunch at my favorite restaurant Felix's.
11. Favorite place for breakfast?
The Original Pancake House in Yorba Linda. But you have to get there by 7am to get a table. I like the challenge of that!
12. What was the best day of your life?
The day I got married. It was amazing. The fact that I had 104 fever and was sick as a dog didn't matter... I was married!
13. Last concert that you went to?
Ha ha. I don't go to concerts or movies. I can't be that unproductive for that long. Although last year I had press passes to Al Yankovich and took the family.
14. Favorite vacation spot?
I don't do vacations either. I get bored easily! But I took a trip with my mom to Laconda Del Amorosa in Tuscany that was heaven on earth.
15. If you had to live somewhere else, where would you like to move?
New York. Hands down. New York. In fact I want to retire there. Which is a slight problem since the husband plans to retire at Pebble Beach. Can't wait to see how this plays out. Check back in 20 years.
16. Favorite books?
Lolita by Nabokov. Which I read in college.
17. Favorite restaurants in Orange County?
I adore A's in Newport. I adore A's in Newport. It is swanky...and fun. When I turned 40- my friends threw me a surprise party there. It was awesome.
18. Biggest accomplishment?
Getting married. Staying married. Raising awesome kids. Wait that is three....
19. What’s your biggest fear?
Wasting my time here. Wasting my time here. Not HERE as in on Greers...but here as in THIS LIFE.
20. Secret most people don’t know about you?
Well like all good secrets they belong on the internet! I really do not have any secrets I guess. I am an open, blog. But wait here is one: I don't read books. Oh I might read most of ONE per year, but on the whole I am not a reader and never have been. This is confoundingly odd to people since not only do I have a degree in English, but a good part of my career is centered around writing. Of course this should explain my answer above 😊