Legaci Wellness Focuses on Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention

October 16, 2013

Legaci Wellness is a company that means business when it comes to breast cancer awareness and prevention. Located on E. 17th Street in Costa Mesa and founded by Ashley Ross, a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, her goal is to help women who are struggling with their weight, at risk for a variety of diseases including breast cancer, or would like an overhaul on their overall health and wellness by providing them with the right tools to eat and exercise the best way for their body.

They have created custom programs for all clients with a variety of different types of health needs. Since Ross’ mother struggled and eventually lost her battle with breast cancer, it is a cause that is very near and dear to her heart. Ross does everything she can to help women who are at risk for the disease by teaching them ways to eat differently and other lifestyle changes that will greatly improve survival chances.

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, mention this feature and be eligible to receive 20% off any program you choose. Just use the code GreersOC and you will get a discount on all services!

Schedule your FREE consultation with Ashley today!

Contact Information:

188 E 17th Street, Suite 201, Costa Mesa. 949.646.9022


Greer's OC
Blogger | Journalist

Since 1993, Greer has been writing about fashion, dining and trends in Orange County, as a popular columnist for the Los Angeles Time Community Newspapers (Daily Pilot, Coastline Pilot and HB Independent) and now as founder of Greer’s OC.

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