Team Kids Imagine Celebration!
Last Sunday, I was lucky enough to go to Team Kids Imagine Celebration at Il Fornaio in Irvine. The annual fundraiser brings together children and families with Team Kids partners from city government, public safety, school districts, and the business community, all of whom share a commitment to inspire children in service. At the Imagine event, Team Kids Team Kids raised over $100,000 in contributions with an additional $40,000 in in-kind donations! You can see the video of what Team Kids is all about here on Greer’s OC TV.
I’m a big fan of Team Kids, which is changing the trajectory of children’s lives by encouraging them to help others. Since its inception in 2001, Team Kids has organized free and innovative programs in schools that give students the opportunity raise funds for local charities. More than 24,000 students have raised more than $200,000 and 100 percent of the money has gone to youth-serving nonprofits, including those that serve homelessness, the hungry and the environment.
Team Kids is creating an army of community-minded children who are making a difference in their schools, communities and ultimately the world. And it’s preparing future generations to become caring, resourceful and responsible adults.