Still Time to Order Celestino’s!

November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving is just two days away, but it’s not too late to special order a turkey at Celestino’s Meats, an old-fashioned butcher shop in Eastside Costa Mesa. It’s taking orders on Diestel range-grown turkeys and even offers a holiday menu for every side dish you ever dreamed of. And it opens today and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 270 E. 17th St. in Costa Mesa. 949.642.7191.

Greer's OC
Blogger | Journalist

Since 1993, Greer has been writing about fashion, dining and trends in Orange County, as a popular columnist for the Los Angeles Time Community Newspapers (Daily Pilot, Coastline Pilot and HB Independent) and now as founder of Greer’s OC.

‘Daily Show’ Star in OC!
John Van Hamersveld

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