Need Beauty Help?
On special occasions, or just because, leave the blow drying and makeup to the pros, book a service at SAS Shampoo & Style a blow dry and makeup bar on East 17th Street in Costa Mesa. Whether you want the SAS, a signature scalp massage, stimulating shampoo, and a blow dry custom styled to your liking for $35, or camera ready makeup application for $35, you can rely on SAS to make you look your best.
The makeup and blow dry bar uses sulfate-free, organic botanical products from ColorProof, and serves organic juices, Champagne cocktails, and delicious coffees. The space is also available for parties, private events and after hour bookings. For every treatment you book, you can earn points for future services or products too.
Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.
270 E. 17th St. in Costa Mesa. 949.646.6345.
Movie Event of the Year
The sold-out 552 Club Movie Screening on Wednesday at Edwards Big Newport Theatre is one of biggest events of the year for Hoag’s supporters and friends. More than 30 of Orange County’s best restaurants will be serving tastes before the screening of “The Bourne Legacy” starring Jeremy Renner, Edward Norton, Rachel Weisz, Joan Allen and Albert Finney.
There will also be incredible raffle items including the grand prize of three nights stay at Four Seasons Resorts Lana’i at Manele Bay. And thanks to a generous gift from the Allen Diabetes Center's Herbert Family Program, young adults with Type 1 Diabetes are invited as VIP’s. The gesture is more importantly a way to raise awareness of Type 1 Diabetes. The Herbert Family Program available at the Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center [url=][/url] in Newport Beach offers young adults (ages 18-30) with Type 1 Diabetes peer interactions, counseling, education, nutrition therapy, social events, and pump and meter training.
Tickets cost $100, and the events raises funds for Hoag Hospital Newport Beach and Hoag Hospital Irvine.
Restaurant tasting begins at 5 p.m.; private movie screening starts at 7:30 p.m. Big Newport is at 300 Newport Center Drive
in Newport Beach.
Stylists Reign 'Preme
The next time you’re in the need of a great haircut, check out Preme Hair inside Stade Co. at South Coast Plaza. The stylists here are top-notch, turning out some of the hottest cuts and colors in Orange County.
And at Preme Hair each Monday from 6 to 9 p.m. stop in for "Beers, Bangs & Buzzes" guys can get buzzes, and the girls can get their bangs trimmed from style pros for just $15. Slices of pizza and complimentary beers will be served from zcafé.
Preme Hair at Stade Co. is at Level 3, Crate and Barrel wing at South Coast Plaza. 714.966.9211