Introducing Greer’s Girl: Mimi Ngo

June 19, 2015

We are thrilled to announce our newest Greer's Girl: Mimi Ngo! She'll be a regular contributor along with Andrea Hammer.

Mimi Ngo is a southern California native who is a junior at California State University, Long Beach as an English rhetoric and composition major.

Mimi is also a professional makeup artist who is always in the know with the latest beauty trends of the season. She finds most of her makeup inspiration through runway looks featured at fashion week and likes finding ways to transform editorial trends to everyday wearable looks.

With her unconditional love for all food, Mimi is often looking for the best breakfast burritos in Orange County. Being of Mexican and Vietnamese descent, she especially has a warm place in her stomach for both of these types of cuisines.

Along with enjoying the food Orange County has to offer, Mimi likes to find balance in practicing Yoga, and likes exploring the local outdoors for refreshing places to hike or jog.

Greer's OC
Blogger | Journalist

Since 1993, Greer has been writing about fashion, dining and trends in Orange County, as a popular columnist for the Los Angeles Time Community Newspapers (Daily Pilot, Coastline Pilot and HB Independent) and now as founder of Greer’s OC.

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