Chuck Jones Center for Creativity eighth annual Red Dot Auction
Chuck Jones Center for Creativity presents the eighth annual Red Dot Auction, the Center's spring fundraiser on Friday, May 11. Orange County business, WoodSnap, is joining the event as a selection of their photographers will donate their work printed on the company's signature birch wood, to create the WoodSnap section at the Red Dot Auction.
In addition to the WoodSnap photographers, over 100 artists from around the globe have contributed one or more canvases and 3D art objects to this special fundraising event. What differentiates The Red Dot Auction from other silent art auctions is that the contributing artists have signed their artwork on the reverse of the work of art. Consequently, attendees at the event will not know who the artist is when bidding, they'll only have their heart to follow.
This year there are five sections each devoted to a different art style or genre. They are Landscape, Portrait, Assemblage, Homage, and 3D. Each section is limited to just 30 entries...the competition for the art is going to be fierce! Which artist's work will you go home with?
Online Pre-bidding Has Begun!
Visit and view the CATALOG and bid on your favorites!
The preview went runs from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at $100 per person; the main event is from 7 to 10 p.m. at $25 per person.
The Main Event Single Ticket price of $25 will increase to $35 on May 10. Buy today and save $10!
3321 Hyland Avenue, Suite A, in Costa Mesa. 949.660.7793.