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Jordan Palmer


1. What character in a movie or book do you most identify with?

Steve Lippinetti from The Way We Were.”

2. What do you do to relax?

Hang with my pug, Pita.

3. Favorite vacation spot?

North shore Maui.

4. Where haven’t you been that you’re dying to go?

Tavarua. I’ve been wanting to go for a while now.

5. What’s your next major goal in life?

I want to start and win a bunch of games.

6. Who had the biggest influence on your life?

William Wallace. At a young age I clung to the mystique. 

7. Favorite drink?

1% milk.

8. Favorite restaurants in Orange County?

Javiers and Skimmers.

9. Last major purchase?

All new camo gear for bowhunting season that is almost here. I’m jacked. 

10. Dumbest investment?

Apple stock right before everything crashed.

11. A famous person you love to meet?

Will Ferrell, Ron burgundy or Mugotu. 

12. Biggest accomplishment?

My fiancé, Dottie.

13. What’s your biggest fear?

Something bad happening to my family. 

14. Who is your favorite artist?

Brandon Boyd of Incubus. Amazing musician/artist. 

15. If you had to begin a different career, what would you do?

Broadcasting. I love to talk and I love football. So boom!

16. Secret most people don’t know about you?

I watch “Dancing with the Stars” and “Dog Whisperer.”

17. Who is your favorite fictional character?

I was never really into super heroes. But I did love some Ninja Turtles. Michaelangelo was my guy. 

18. Your biggest extravagance?

‘97 Cadillac Deville. It’s a lazy-boy with wheels. 

19. What’s your favorite CD?

Incubus. Morning View.

20. What was the best day in your life?

Not sure, I’ve had some good ones

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